If you would like to use a script-driven app for your web site, the most effective way to install one is to employ a script installer in case your hosting company provides such a tool. Setting up a script manually requires time, you must follow multiple steps and frequently you may have to adjust quite a few script or account settings in order to get everything working adequately. In contrast, if you work with a script installation tool, its scripts are already configured to run on the particular Internet hosting environment and the entire installation procedure will take a couple of minutes and a few mouse clicks. In this way, you'll be able to create a dynamic website even though you may lack any previous experience and you're creating your very first web site. A dynamic web site, that includes a lot of features, will be more appealing to your website visitors and will give you much more options regarding the content and the functions you can have.
1-click Applications Installer in Cloud Website Hosting
With our cloud website hosting solutions you’ll receive a 1-click script installer with more than 50 scripts that you can use to create any type of website. For instance it will not take you more than just a few clicks to set up an online store, a realty portal or a discussion board. All you will have to do will be to pick the domain and the script and to type in the administrator login details. Our system is going to do the rest and a couple of minutes later you will be able to enter the back office and begin adding your content. That way you can set up a professional site even when you have never dealt with such matters in the past. To make thing even better, we will also provide you with tons of free templates for some of the script apps. If you use the script installer, you'll not have to pay for website design since you can do everything yourself with just a few mouse clicks.
1-click Applications Installer in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server solutions come with an easy-to-use 1-click script installer, that will enable you to set up more than 50 different applications for any of your internet domains or subdomains. With only a few clicks you can launch an electronic commerce site, a realty portal or a forum and all you'll have to do will be to pick the script and the domain name, then to pick some username and password for the administration area and to click the Install button. Our system will perform the necessary in just a few minutes and you will be able to log in to the administration area instantly as to begin adding your text and images. That way, you won't have to do anything manually, so you can set up a feature-rich, dynamic site even though you may have never had an internet hosting account before. There's no limit how many scripts you could use at a time or how many times you can install a specific script.