FTP Manager
Uncover what an FTP Manager is and why it’s useful to have one when setting up a site.
You can use separate FTP accounts to manage your content in case you’ve got several Internet sites within one and the same hosting account. You can grant different individuals access only to given folders, for instance – web designers or IT experts from the company, and be certain that they won’t be able to access any other directories or anything else within the web hosting account, since the FTP accounts have limited access. What’s more, you can create and administer several different sites simultaneously with a website building app such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage (as these apps make use of FTP to connect to the server) and upload the website files both when you create them and when you update them. An important part of doing these tasks is the option to create and manage your FTP accounts swiftly and easily.
FTP Manager in Cloud Website Hosting
All our
cloud website hosting packages include a multi-function, yet simple-to-work-with FTP Manager, which will permit you to administer all the FTP accounts that you’ve got without any effort. The software tool is an integral part of our next-gen Hepsia hosting Control Panel and besides creating and removing FTP accounts, you can change the password for any active account with only two clicks. You can modify the level of access for any specific FTP account just as easily – you will just need to click on the access path associated with the account and then to select the new folder. What’s more, you can download an auto-configuration file for several FTP software programs and set up any of the FTP accounts on your computer simply by installing the file in question. For easier and better management, you can sort the accounts in alphabetical order based on their access paths or their usernames.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers
semi-dedicated server configurations are managed from the simple-to-use, custom-developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel. One of its sections, the FTP Manager, is dedicated to managing your FTP accounts and everything related to them, so you can administer all the accounts quickly and easily. It will take one mouse click to set up a brand new account, to delete an active one or simply to change its password. You can also view the complete list of your FTP accounts in this Control Panel section and, for convenience’s sake, you can arrange them in alphabetical order – ascending or descending, either by their access path or by username. Changing the path for a particular account is also exceptionally easy – you only have to click on it and pick the new directory in the pop-up that will appear, so you will not have to set up a whole new FTP account in case you simply want to define what web files an existing one can access. You can also make use of auto-configuration files for famous FTP software programs like FileZilla and Core FTP.