When you acquire a virtual or a dedicated server, you'll be able to use it not only to host your own websites, but also to resell website hosting packages to various other people. This will allow you to make good money, as the number of people who build their first Internet site keeps increasing and the need for hosting services is growing year after year. Other than the server itself, you will need a merchant account with a payment processor, that will allow you to accept payment transactions online, and a billing app to link each of them. To use your own server means having more control compared to the regular website hosting reseller programs. If, for example, a client wants to run some script which needs a certain app to be present on the server, there won't be a problem to set it up on a virtual or a dedicated machine, but it is not possible to do that on a shared server where all reseller accounts are generated. With minimal effort and investment, you have the opportunity to start a successful hosting firm on your own and to be a part of the ever-growing hosting market.
Reselling Options in VPS Servers
We'll make it very simple for you to start a hosting company if you obtain one of our VPS servers packages. During the signup process, you will be able to select the cPanel or the DirectAdmin website hosting Control Panel and not only will you have full root accessibility to the server with all of them, but you will also be able to set up web hosting plans, due to the fact that they both have a reseller level as well. What's more, with DirectAdmin you can even have resellers of your own. Each VPS package provided with cPanel contains 2 extra options which will help you launch a reseller business totally free. The first is an eNom domain name reseller account, which excludes the deposit you'll need to pay in case you decide to register with them directly, while the second is a certified copy of ClientExec - a billing and support software application, that will make it really easy for you to generate packages, to bill your customers and to offer ticket support. Our VPS packages make it possible to launch your web business with nominal expenses and they have all the tools which you need for that.
Reselling Options in Dedicated Servers
Using a dedicated server from us, you will get everything you need to launch a prosperous website hosting business almost instantly. We have several different packages, to give you a chance to pick the perfect one in terms of the system resources that you'll need as well as the initial budget that you have at the start. All the servers provide full root access, that will allow you to install anything your clients may need for their sites. Two of the three web hosting Control Panel choices that we provide are suitable for starting a reseller business - DirectAdmin and cPanel. They both feature customer and reseller levels and different advantages. When you get the server with DirectAdmin, you can't only have direct clients, but also sub-resellers. When you acquire your server with cPanel, on the other hand, you will get an eNom domain name reseller account and the ClientExec billing and support software, which will allow you to offer ticket support and to accept web-based payments.